
Micro Twist Out

Products use Elasta QP Olive Oil & Mango Butter Moisturizer

 I love the smell and texture of this product not to mention the ingredients but, I will not purchase again after i have used this jar).
Water bottle.

What i did
Use fingers to seperate hair, spray each section with water , add moisturizer then twist 2 strand twist throughout the head.


My Natural Hair Update

Braid Out (Oh the shrinkage lol)June 10 C0-Wash
Couple of plaits all over head

June 10 June 09
Hey ladies,
Thank you guys for subbing and following. Hope everyone is well. I'm so happy my hair has grown out a lot from my first video on YouTube. I will now be concentrating on length and thickness. I think because i don't have much protein in my diet since switching to a vegetarian diet is the culprit for my thin hair. But i will be trying things to see if i can thicken it up from the inside out. So this is the first day with the braid out so there is shrinkage after a few days it stretches a little more and length is seen even more. Will be putting in twist tonight.
I am also considering dyeing my hair soon, so i will post on that as well.
What I Used
Co-washed with Trader Joe's Conditioner. Added honey, olive oil, rosemary, peppermint, water.
Will be starting a new hair regimen by the end of next week. with daily updates, photos, and weekly reviews.
Coming up Soon
Length & Thickness techniques
Natural Hairstyles
Product reviews