I know this is my natural hair blog, and I'm expected to constantly talk about hair. But since i have your attention every now and then i want to write a post that is also geared towards us as African American woman of color, and as mother earth. So i will call it AWARENESS, And every Monday I will post a new awareness concern facing our community. This first post will talk about a documentary i saw yesterday entitled I Am Because We Are. It gives a glimpse into Malawi a small country in southeast Africa. It tells the stories of the Malawi Orphans devastated with H.I.V.,A.I.D.S, Poverty, Rape, Kidnapping. You name it these Beautiful children have seen it. Below is a preview, and also the full version. I hope you watch, and your heart, and soul move you to do more in your community, if when you cannot help have way across the world.
Thank you for reading.
Key Key
You can watch I Am Because We Are i it's entirety By pressing the play button below.
please visit: http://www.iambecauseweare.com/